Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we guarantee 100% error-free work. Our team of proofreaders conducts a double check to ensure that even the smallest mistake is noted and corrected. You can ask us for free revision in case there are errors in the final document.
The time taken depends on the length of your document and the citation style followed. We provide urgent proofreading services as well, which can be availed for the same-day delivery of work.
This is a comprehensive service. We examine the grammar, fonts, format, structural layout, spellings, citations, capitalisation, presentation aspects, and accuracy of matter in your document.
Our editors are adept in all academic styles used by the universities in UK. Though we mostly follow the Harvard style, clients can specify if they want any other style to be used.
All documents are proofread by professional proofreaders who have many years of experience in academic editing. They have worked at superior colleges and leading journals in editorial positions.
We ensure 100% error-free work and timely delivery. Additionally, your submitted work will be confidential and will not be shared with any other party.
We have a team of experienced proofreaders who are well versed with academic writing styles used in the UK universities.
We deliver proofread documents with deadlines ranging from 1 to 30 days.
We conduct the proofreading of a range of academic documents, including books, dissertations, thesis papers, and journals.
You can use our Sample Proofreading page to provide us a sample document for free proofreading. You can sign up only after being completely satisfied with our work.

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